Huntington MA Stanton Hall (26 Russell Rd on the Corner of Rt 20 and 112)

The First People – Indigenous History Talk by Dr. Bruchac

Who were the first people to paddle the Westfield? Woronoco was once a village of over 1000 Native people who fished, hunted, and planted along the river’s banks for thousands of years. Wild & Scenic Westfield River Committee is thrilled to sponsor a talk by Dr. Bruchac, Professor Emerita, Anthropology from the University of Pennsylvania here in Huntington MA. Dr Bruchac will shed light on the life of Rhoda Rhoades (1751-1841) the renowned Mohican “Indian Doctress” from Indian Hollow who traveled widely in the region practicing her art of healing.  This talk is part of a series, organized by the Wild River Race committee in celebration of their 70th anniversary.

This talk is sponsored by The Wild & Scenic Westfield River Committee

Wild River Races just around the corner April 19th 70th anniversary * Sign up to race or Volunteer to help ! For inquires please contact

Benefits of the Wild & Scenic Designation

The national designation of “Wild & Scenic River” provides many benefits. Communities along the designated National Wild & Scenic Westfield River have access to resources to help all the partners achieve the protection of the watershed’s outstanding resource values. Such support can bring a host of positive outcomes to all, including:

  • Tools to protect water quality and watershed hydrology for local residents.
  • Protection of rural character and opportunities to conserve stream banks, large wildlife habitats and important open space areas which help maintain the qualities of local communities.
  • Access to funding and grants to help towns achieve open space and conservation goals and opportunities to leverage additional funds and support, saving communities money.
  • Healthy ecosystems – widely recognized as one of the highest priorities for biodiversity conservation in Southern New England, the Westfield River’s miles of free-flowing streams and intact forest corridors represent one of the best opportunities for river conservation in the region. The Wild & Scenic designation provides dedicated technical assistance, funding and research to protect and restore the river’s ecosystem.
  • Technical support, monitoring and research to guide sound decision-making for local communities, saving time and money while preserving irreplaceable natural resources.
  • Outreach and education opportunities to enhance understanding of the watershed and its characteristics. Publications, programs, workshops, and trainings promote resource values and best management practices offered for a range of audiences from school-aged children, to landowners to local highway departments and municipal commissions.
  • Prevents federally funded or permitted projects determined to be adverse to the watershed’s outstanding resource values. Designation creates a specific mandate that no federally permitted or funded “water resource development project” shall be allowed that would have a “direct and adverse” impact upon the outstanding resource values that made the river eligible for designation.
  • Forum to provide different perspectives and to share concerns, local knowledge and expertise. Every community has a representative who serves as a liaison for municipal boards and residents on issues important to the river and their community. They are a resource to you and someone you can talk to about issues such as riverbank erosion, ways to improve wildlife habitat, and availability of technical and funding resources.

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