Your River

What's Special

Many outstanding features contributed to earning the national “Wild & Scenic” designation for 78.1 miles of the Wild & Scenic Westfield River.  

10 Exceptional Features

  1. One of the most intact, free flowing (not dammed) river systems in Southern New England and one of the healthiest tributaries to the Connecticut River.
  2. Excellent water quality and one of the best coldwater fisheries in the Commonwealth  supporting a native fishery
  3. Remarkable historic sites such as the  Keystone Arch Bridges built in the 1840s as well as  several historic villages along the river
  4. Glendale Falls, one of the highest waterfall in the Commonwealth
  5. Regionally unique geologic features such as the Chesterfield Gorge and Windsor Jambs













  1. One of the largest roadless wilderness areas remaining in Massachusetts, as well as the largest contiguous state forest in the Commonwealth (October Mountain State Forest, 16,127 acres).
  2. Exemplary natural communities and outstanding biodiversity including many plant and animal species categorized as rare, threatened and of special concern.
  3. Seasonal whitewater paddling recreation opportunities.
  4. Excellent overall water quality with low nutrient concentrations
  5. A population density of less than half a person per acre—the second lowest density of all Massachusetts watersheds.

The Westfield River is so special that 78 miles have been designated Wild & Scenic by the U.S. Congress after extensive study and the support of the ten WIld & Scenic towns. Learn about  this extraordinary resource.