
We invite you to explore our resources to learn more about the Westfield River and its many treasures.

Your River

About The River

One of the most intact river systems in southern New England...

What's Special?

One of the healthiest tributaries to the Connecticut River.

Mass GIS Map

‎Feature layer from MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs

Managed by MassEOEEA

We provide Grants & Assistance

Resources & Information Hub

Places to Visit

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Our Library

Check out our library filled with helpful information.

For Towns

Check out resources for towns.


Curious about the river and its contributing watershed? Interested in learning how to be a good steward of the river? Watch theses Wild & Scenic Westfield River Videos:

River Restoration

Wild & Scenic Westfield River 2021 Interns, Nicholas Pietroniro and Mani Singh walk the Coonamessett River Restoration site with long time advocate Betsy Gladfelter.

Teen River Clean

The Wild & Scenic Westfield River works with teens to clean up their towns Wild & Scenic River Segments.

Garlic Mustard Mission

April 12th 2022, the Wild & Scenic Invasive Plant sub committee tours the culvert replacement project.

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