Community Conservation & Stewardship Grant Application


Description of project:

  • Concise summary of proposed work and the goal(s) and outcome(s) of the project,
  • a specific discussion of the ways the funded work advances the Westfield Rive Conservation &Stewardship priority outcomes & impacts.
  • entity performing the work and project lead (if different),
  • a list of project partners if any,
  • Other funding sources, amount requested, secured, pending, declined or to be applied for,
  • how & when the intended goals and outcomes will be assessed/measured/evaluated


For Land Protection Projects only:

  • Type of acquisition (purchase, Conservation restriction)
  • target stream or river segment
  • if the target stream/river is a cold water fishery, aquatic or rare species core,a supportinglandscape, etc.
  • short and long term permanent open space protection strategy
  • map of parcel location in the watershed and parcel details (acreage, valuation, etc).

Project budget

Please include:

  • Total budget of project and the amount being requested through the W&S grant.
  • Estimated budget by tasks, [e.g. Task #1-Speaker Series: $500 for honorariums, field surveyby XYZ Survey Co.- 2 hrs @ $54/hr, $150 for hall rentals (in-kind donation)].
  • Other sources of funding, if any (e.g. registration/participation fee)
  • In-kind support, including anticipated volunteer hours, if any. The budget table includes lines for listing in-kind and other funding sources. Including this 'leveraged' funding in the application and tracking the funding accurately to include in the final report at the completion of the project is important to the Committee. The Committee tracks leveraged resources to report to the Nation Park Service to show how the Wild & Scenic funds are multiplied through volunteer (in-kind) contributions of time, donated items/services and other funding.


Budget Table Example:


(projects should be completed by September 30 but the W&SWR Committee may consider extending the deadline with justification.)